NationsGame Wikia


The Republic of Ruyalsia, also known as Ruyalsian Republic or Ruyalsia, is coastal industrious and barren capitalist republican (under one party system) nation ruled by President Kelvinnn. Its capital Muxill City is situated on the temperate continent of Westberg. As of September 2019, the country has hit population of 270,000.

The people of Ruyalsia are known as Ruyalsian.


The name "Ruyalsia" is a combination of the word "Rulay" and the Latin-Greek suffix "-sia"/-σία. The word "ruyaslan" in Ruyata may derive from the Turkish words "ruya" and "aslan" meaning "dream" and "lion", respectively. "Ruyaslantania" was the word used by ancient San Sebestian traders when referring to the Ruya Island. Whether or not it originated from these roots, the word "ruyaslaan" or "ryaslani" may have been used in early Ruyalan to mean to be strong or defend.


The Republic of Ruyalsia, or simply known as Ruyalsia, is a former territory of Kingdom of Abrunahkiialapfezapotahkiliazakeamesomeamiyakia, as known as Abuhmfeania. Though due to Brenzen-Abuhmfean Great War, Kingdom of Abrunahkiialapfezapotahkiliazakeamesomeamiyakia were divided to 13 independent countries, one of which is Ruyalsia.

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A map of remnants of the then- Kingdom of Abrunahkiialapfezapotahkiliazakeamesomeamiyakia

The official name for Ruyalsian Flag is 'Bersatu dan Maju' which translate to 'United and Progressive' and official name for Ruyalsian Anthem is 'Republik Ruyalan Bermaju', translate to 'The Advanced Ruyalan Republic'

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Ruyalsia is a member (Secretary General) of a defensive coalition, United Defensive Coalition, founded by West Emphesian Federation


Ruyalsia has a multi-ethnic, multicultural, and multilingual society. The original culture of the area stemmed from indigenous tribes that inhabited it, along with the Ruya who later moved there. Substantial influence exists from Chinese and Indian culture, dating back to when foreign trade began. Other cultural influences include the Persian, Arabic, and British cultures. Due to the structure of the government, coupled with the social contract theory, there has been minimal cultural assimilation of ethnic minorities.

The government created a "National Cultural Policy", defining Ruyalsian culture. It stated that Ruyalsian culture must be based on the culture of the indigenous peoples of Malaysia, that it may incorporate suitable elements from other cultures, and that Islam, Buddhism and Christianity must play a part in it. It also promoted the Ruyata language above others. This government intervention into culture has caused resentment among non-Ruya who feel their cultural freedom was lessened. Non-Ruya communities have submitted memorandums to the government, accusing it of formulating an undemocratic culture policy.
